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“Why do/did you love high school racquetball?”

Relatable examples from players, coaches, and parents.   


LOTS of testimonials are included here.  MOHSRA provides benefits and fun for everyone in different ways!


  • Player & Coach: I loved HS Racquetball for the competition, community, and enjoyment of the sport itself. Racquetball is unique and I fell in love with the game right away. I really enjoyed having an avenue for competition outside of the traditional sports that I did not make the team for. I had such great experiences especially at the state and national tournaments that I will remember them forever. Lastly, it was a great way to make new friends and acquaintances that I still have relationships with today.


  • Player & Coach: I loved playing high school racquetball because it’s such a great community and the sport itself is accepting of all skill levels! I was able to not only make more connections with kids from my own school but really developed relationships with kids from all the local high schools. Everyone in the  program is supportive, kind, and just a joy to be around! As a more competitive person, I personally also loved the quick pace and intensity of racquetball compared to other sports. However, anyone and everyone can jump on a court, develop their skills, and play as competitively as they’d like all while being cheered on and coached by incredible people!


  • Parent:  High school Racquetball gave my children an opportunity to excel in a sport that taught them a lot about self development, team work, and goal setting.  My children are now young adults and still play the sport.  My daughter met her husband playing Racquetball.  Without high school racquetball, this would not have been possible.


  • Player & Coach:  What I appreciate about high school racquetball the most is that it is open to anyone, and brings together a diverse and eclectic group of people in a tight-knit community. Regardless of a student’s athletic abilities, economic resources, or background, there is a place for everyone in racquetball. Students who have never made a cut on another team have played—and thrived—in racquetball. Students who have never felt accepted in other social settings have found a home and acceptance on the racquetball team.


  • Player:  The friendships you make, while still being able to compete against them.


  • Player & Coach: I loved high school racquetball because it not only was a fun and fast-paced sport but also fostered a strong sense of community within our team and the entire league. The friendships and camaraderie we built were truly special and left a lasting impact.


  • Player: I love high school racquetball for the relationships whether it’s with coaches or other kids both from my school and other schools. I also love high school racquetball for teaching me how to be a stronger person both physically and mentally which sets me up for success in the future.


  • Player & Coach: Racquetball is a sport for everyone. The best players in the world are fast, smart, strong and have good reflexes but you only need one of those talents to still be a great player.  This allows anyone to be successful, no matter what age they first learn to play - which is incredibly rare in today's world of high-school sports.


  • Player:  Highschool racquetball was the perfect blend of community and competitive nature. One minute you are playing a rival in a match and the next minute you are making friends with him off the court. There is no other sport in high school that offers that combination. It made our sport so much fun and addictive.


  • Player: High school racquetball in Missouri has helped me find a community that shares the same passion I have for racquetball with my peers, high schoolers and adults alike. I was able to join my school’s team my freshman year and by junior year was able to win a national championship title and that’s what makes people so excited about racquetball. Meeting people who have one common interest with me has opened so many doors and opportunities for me and I know my teammates can say that same. Above all else, the competition is fun! Racquetball isn’t like other high-stakes high school sports and you really don’t know it until you try it.


  • Player & Coach: I love high school racquetball because while I didn’t know it at the time, the people I met through the sport would turn out to be some of the most important people in my life, far beyond high school. The community that is built amongst the players is unlike any other organization I’ve participated in and it’s the single best memory from my time in high school. I wouldn’t have the job, best friend, or boyfriend that I have today without this sport.


  • Player & Coach: High school racquetball is such a fun, laid back yet competitive sport that’s open to all kids regardless of social status, gender, or even athletic abilities. It’s such a good time to grow the love of a great sport that lasts a lifetime. I started playing at 14 and am still playing and coaching to this day because of how much fun I had when playing in high school. It’s also one of the first things I remember when I look back on my high school days because of how big an impact the sport had and still has on me.


  • Player & Coach: I loved high school racquetball because it helped create forever friendships, gave me a sense of community, a safe place for friendly competition and gave me a sport that can easily be lifelong.


  • Player: High school racquetball was the best experience I had in high school. It’s not just the sport that I love- requiring fast reflexes, good coordination, and quick thinking- but also the community. It’s very tightly knit and I've made some great friends for life through the sport, and not just from my school.


  • Parent:  -1-  Racquetball meets you  at your level.  Beginner, intermediate, and advanced…. the sport will challenge the athlete.  -2-  Barriers are blurred. Racquetball exposes athletes to players across many spectrums.  High School to middle school, public and private, boys and girls, affluent to not as affluent…. -3- Individual sport and team sport.   Singles…. success is determined by you. Doubles teaches how to work together towards a common goal.  -4- The perfect winter sport. Fills a time in the school calendar to stay active and physically fit when the weather is not ideal. -5- Introduction to being a role model. The mixing of older and younger players allows the older kids to learn how to lead and show the way for the younger kids.  -6- Great sport for females to strengthen muscles that decrease the risk of ACL and MCL injuries.  -7- Diminishes the influence of parents and politics. If you win, you move up. If you lose, you don’t advance as fast.  Very objective.  -8- The structure of the field of play keeps the parents at bay. It’s players and coaches in the hallway down by courts.  Parents don’t hang out down there which allows the kids to figure out how to grow.  -9- Due to the factors listed above, RACQUETBALL OFFERS THE BEST CULTURE IN YOUTH SPORTS.  No other sport comes close.  Hats off to the coaches that made my daughter and the kids across the racquetball community have such a wonderful experience.


  • Parent:   As a parent of three high school racquetball players, from 1998-2012, it gave my kids a chance to compete in a sport for their school. It’s hard to make a high school team in many other sports.


  • Parent & Coach: I knew that the St. Louis racquetball community was something I wanted to be a part of. Everyone wants to win but it is not the end all thing. Everyone has a mutual respect for the parents, coaches, and especially the student athletes. It is a game that teaches respect for one another and the schools they represent. What other competitive high school sport has the athletes referee their own matches. It instills respect and responsibility.


  • Player: I loved high school racquetball because of the huge role it played in shaping me into the person I am today. It taught me hard work pays off, it’s okay to fail, and that a sport can be incredibly fun no matter what level you’re at. Being in high school can be tough at times; for me and many others, racquetball served as an outlet where we could have fun, make friends, learn discipline, and get to know ourselves. I have incredibly fond memories of high school racquetball that I will forever cherish!


  • Player:  I love high school racquetball because it gave me the opportunity to meet new people. Also, racquetball is a great sport to stay physically active and relieve stress. Racquetball allowed me to discover a new passion and inspired me to pursue goals within the sport.


  • Player:  I love high school racquetball because it has allowed me to create friendships with people  I would not have known if it weren't for racquetball. The racquetball community is like another friend group to me, and it consists of people from different schools and grades. The people in the community will push one another to make their own game better. It is great to see all types of levels of players have the same passion for the game, and that's why I love high school so much.


  • Player:  I love high school racquetball because of the community. Everyone on the team is very supportive and want nothing but the best for each player, no matter how high or low their level of play is. But something that I think is especially unique and amazing about Missouri high school racquetball is the amount of positive interaction players are able to have with other schools. I have a ton of friends from schools other than mine who offer a lot of support and encouragement, which is something that is not typical in many other high school sports. I see Missouri high school racquetball as one big family and that is what I love about it.


  • Player & Coach:  As a high school racquetball coach and former league player, I love racquetball because of the unique atmosphere of the sport. It’s more of an untraditional sport that the majority of players picked up early on in high school.  Because most players start from square one with their racquetball skills/knowledge, the players get to progress in the sport altogether which creates a unique type of camaraderie. There also is a wide range of skill levels in the high school program. Some players take it easy during the season to cross condition for other sports and some train multiple times a week to get to the state/national champ level. However, no matter the skill level all types of players seem to have a unique passion for the sport that is shared among all current and past high school league players.


  • Player:  I love high school racquetball because it created a community that I will always be thankful to be a part of. Even though I often competed individually on the court there was always a teammate, coach or a friend from another school cheering you on.


  • Player:  I love highschool racquetball because it has allowed me to become involved in such a wonderful community! No matter what highschool you wear on your jersey, everyone supports each other. I have met some of my best friends through racquetball, without playing for the same team. Everyone is trying to get better and grow in the sport for themselves while helping others reach that same goal. The high school racquetball community has created a second family for me!


  • Player & Coach:  There are no other sports quite like racquetball! It’s a sport for everyone. It doesn’t matter whether you are a varsity athlete or have never played a sport in your whole life. All skill levels can come together and find passion and love for the game. As someone who has participated in many sports growing up, the main reason I love high school racquetball so much is because of the community. I have met the most genuine, kind hearted, selfless, dedicated, and supportive people in my life through high school racquetball. It doesn’t matter your age, skill level, or the jersey that you wear- there is a genuine camaraderie throughout this community that is completely unparalleled.


  • Player & Parent:  As someone who participated in the St. Louis high school racquetball program 43 years ago and also enjoyed watching his son participate I'm blown away by the fun and comradery the athletes have.  They are learning a game they can play for a lifetime. It's also impressive that the high school coaches and people who run the league have a passion for the game and for their kids.


  • Player & Coach:  As a freshman in high school, I joined my high school racquetball team after attending an informal session at school. I thought the sport was unique and maybe a bit quirky, and I decided to join because I wanted something to keep me busy between my other sports. However, very quickly after picking it up, it became my favorite thing to do! The high school league was a community of kids with all different skill levels, and all of the coaches were knowledgeable and encouraging. The community this created was second to none, it was a place of inclusivity and positivity. Fourteen years later, I’m still at it! After playing the sport for a club team in college, I’m back in St. Louis coaching for the same team that made me fall in love with the sport. I am very pleased to say that the community is still one that I am super proud to be a part of.


  • Player:  High school racquetball has taught me valuable lessons of sportsmanship and perseverance by providing me an outlet for competition. More than that, it has introduced me to an amazing community that inspires me to be better both on and off the court.


  • Player & Coach:  I love high school racquetball because it provides a community and opportunities unlike any other high school sport. While you compete individually and as a team against other area schools, each player has the opportunity to be exposed to the broader, national high school, college and adult racquetball community. So not only can you make friends on your team and others while learning and playing in the league, tournaments, and Nationals in high school, but those experiences give you exposure and connections to the many ways you can keep playing well beyond your high school years.


  • Player:  High school racquetball provided a competitive but encouraging environment where I could be myself! The fast pace rallies required me to stay present in the game and provided a mental break from other worries. The friendly atmosphere and supportive teammates and coaches made practices and matches more enjoyable. The blend of physical activity and social interaction was a great boost for my overall well-being!


  • Player: I loved high school racquetball because of the competition and the friendships it built, many of which have lasted over 15 years.  It was a great avenue for personal development in athletics and leadership. The experiences in the program helped shape who I am today


  • Player:  High school racquetball allowed me to discover a sport that I loved, and it welcomed me into a passionate and growing community that shared my appreciation for a largely under-appreciated game. I noticed that despite the competition between teams, our mutual love for racquetball made us one tight-knit community.


  • Player: Racquetball is unlike any other sport I played in high school. With it being a club sport with so much down time, I built friendships with a huge variety of people. Kids from other grades at my highschool, people from other schools, and coaches and parents all contributed to this massive racquetball family. This family feeling was amplified at tournaments in other states where there was always a group referred to as “the Missouri kids.” There is no environment that matches the love and pride found in STL racquetball. As I am now graduated, I still feel welcome every time I come back to Vetta for tournaments when I’m home. I’ll never forget or regret anything from my experience playing racquetball!


  • Player:  I really enjoyed MO High School racquetball due to the environment and the sense of community it fostered. I doubt I would’ve stuck with the sport if it wasn’t for the countless coaches who made MOHSRA possible. Additionally, the fact that there were so many of my peers playing the sport, many of whom were from my high school, made the sport much more rewarding to play.


  • Player: What I loved most about high school racquetball was both the individual and team fulfillment I got from playing. Some of the best memories I have are cheering on my friends winning a big match and looking up in the crowd and seeing my teammates cheering me on. It was the only “team” sport I played where I felt like everyone was really rooting for the success of others as opposed to vying for a spot on the roster and hoping for a mistake out of others.


  • Coach & Parent: As a coach, seeing the joy on players' faces at the end of the season keeps me coming back, and knowing I contributed to their development and joy for the sport is just icing on the cake


  • Player:  When I think back to the time spent playing high school racquetball, I can’t help but smile. It was such a good time in my life. It was hard work but it was always fun. Our racquetball team consisted of girls of all ages, freshman to senior year; but when we were on the court or in the halls, the class ranks didn’t matter. We were a team that had fun and took care of each other. Racquetball was the foundation for lifelong friendships.


  • Player: I love high school racquetball because there is an aspect of racquetball that will fit every player and push them to improve.  For example, my playing style is strategic and relies heavily on tracking the ball and focusing on the angle of my hits. Some of my friends, however, focus are more technical and practice hitting the ball at different speeds and heights to make it difficult to get.  High school racquetball is amazing because it allows players to develop a unique style in a supportive community with a common passion for racquetball.


  • Player:  The reason I love high school racquetball so much is not just the sport itself, but the community of people involved in it. I was able to meet people from other schools, play with caring and passionate coaches, and build connections that have lasted beyond my time on the court.


  • Player & Coach:  It is a unique environment where a highly competitive fast paced sport meets the most welcoming and supportive group of athletes across all schools I’ve ever experienced. You can battle for a state title vs someone and the next minute be best friends with them even though you’re on rival teams at rival schools. Bc the sport isn’t normally traditional huge bulky athletes, the population lends itself to more of a warm habitat for elite athletes and new players alike. People recognize that it isn’t necessarily a front of mind, espn nightly news sport, and that almost makes the people who play even tighter knit as they all strive to push their own individual game as well as the sport as a whole forward. Fast, furious, friendly: racquetball


  • Player & Coach:  As a lost athlete, high school racquetball gave me a community that welcomed me, challenged me, and truly changed my life.


  • Player & Coach:  I love it for more reasons than most. HS racquetball was the first sport I felt truly competent, so it helped a great deal with my confidence/self esteem (for better or worse). HS racquetball is responsible for so many core friendships in my life that have and will remain ever constant. The community is unlike anything I have ever experienced, in the best way. HS racquetball was an opportunity for me to learn to grow even more as a coach, how to empathize better, how to put myself in others shoes better, and resulted in most of my most rewarding and gratifying experiences in this sport thus far. HS racquetball is how I met my incredible wife. Were it not for coaching for opposing teams halfway across the country, I would not have had the privilege to get to know her. If it were not for HS racquetball, I wouldn’t be who I am or where I am today. I absolutely love HS racquetball.


  • Player: High school racquetball gave me the opportunity to learn a new game that I can play for a very long time. It also gave me the opportunity to make lifelong friends.


  • Parent:  Between my 2 boys and all of the sports they have played over the last 12 years, high school racquetball has by far been the most formative, both athletically and social/ emotionally. To be on a court in such close proximity to your opponent, hitting a small ball that at times can be weapon-like takes a lot of courage, thoughtfulness and skill. I don't think there is a better example of "the thrill of victory and the agony of defeat" just in one game of racquetball. The pace is so fast and things can change so quickly that if a player is not careful their lead can change on a dime. Being able to temper ones emotions and skillfully battle through the good and bad times quickly, just in one game, makes racquetball players mentally and physically amazing! The racquetball community in general is also so incredibly welcoming and kind. Truly a safe and encouraging place for all!


  • Player & Coach: The reason I love high school racquetball can be simplified into one word to span over my 12 years of experience with it; community. I started playing racquetball to feel closer to my family (my uncle and cousins played).  I was excited for the opportunity to do something my family was passionate about. What I didn't know when I joined was the community was much bigger than just my family, but that community has turned into my family.  My freshman year the seniors on the team took me under their wing from the moment I started, they helped me compete against people much older and with more experience than me. I felt comfortable with them but was also inspired by them. I was always supported in tournaments, games, and practices. They made sure I always had a ride, and was always being challenged.  I had a great freshman year and the next year I made Varsity.  Two of those seniors are coaches with me in the league now.  I played in summer camps and made a community of friends my age from many different schools. I also became friends with college-level racquetball players who started to introduce to me the idea that your racquetball career doesn't have to end once you graduate high school. When I entered college, many of my former opponents became my teammates. The community of former high school racquetball players welcomed me with open arms. They were a familiar face and a safety blanket during a time of change and lots of uncertainty. One of these players, formally someone I would claim I was my least favorite person to play against in high school, is my best friend, and standing with me at the alter on my wedding.  I could write paragraphs on the communities this program created for me. How it impacts me in my professional life, and now as a coach, in my adult life. There is nothing I am more passionate about as a young adult than coaching my high school players. I know the importance of this program and feel a personal duty to help continue to grow it. I think everyone should have the opportunity to play a sport as great as this one, and join a community that will follow you through all facets of life. 


  • Player: I love high school racquetball because not only did it introduce me to a sport I love, but a community as well. On and off the court, I have met some of my best friends and made relationships that will last a lifetime. Because racquetball is a smaller sport, it feels like you have a connection with everyone, and for me, the racquetball community became my second family.


  • Player & Coach:  The high school racquetball league has been one of my strongest communities for over 13 years of my life - both as a player and a coach. It gave me a chance to be competitive and to train at an individual sport that relied on my own work ethic. But at the same time, it also gave me a team to grow relationships. Some of my best friends in high school I met through racquetball and some of my best friends as an adult I have gotten to know through coaching together. I’m always inspired by how the athletes embrace the beauty of this community. Our league is competitive and intense. Everyone wants to win. But once they’re off the courts, players from all different teams are hanging around laughing together and having fun as one big community. It’s very common that you will see two competitive rivals give everything they have on the court and then hug once the match is over. That’s a special relationship you don’t get in all sports.  There is nothing quite like high school racquetball and I am immensely grateful for its impact on my life.


  • Player: I have loved my high school racquetball experience so far because of the fun and competitive competition I’ve had, and the nice people I have met while competing. While I’ve played this sport I have had a lot of fun playing for my team weekly and playing in tournaments on the weekend. And throughout my time playing I have met a lot of good people that I’m still friends with.


  • Player: I quit gymnastics after 10 years and started playing high school racquetball and I definitely don’t regret it! It was an opportunity for me to meet other kids my age from public and private schools near me, which was really nice given I went to an all girls catholic high school. Everyone in the community is very supportive, social, and welcoming. It’s nice also that most high schoolers didn’t “grow up playing racquetball”, so when you start the sport in high school, everyone’s starting at the same level together. It’s a very easy sport to learn and get the hang of and isn’t too big of a time commitment either so it fits in perfectly to the balance of high school life. Racquetball is a sport that definitely stays with you beyond high school if you allow it to and can bring great friendships and opportunities!


  • Player & Coach: My favorite part of high school racquetball in Missouri is the Community. Deciding to play racquetball as a freshman in high school not only led me to meeting some of my best friends but also introduced me to a sport that I still love playing. Now, almost 20 years later, I’m still playing with friends I met in high school and continuing to meet new racquetball friends in our thriving community. None of that would be possible if it weren’t for Missouri High School Racquetball.


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