USA Racquetball Coach of the Year - Missouri Recipients
Criteria for USAR & USOPC High School Racquetball Developmental Coach of the Year:
Every year USA Racquetball is able to recognize a Developmental Collegiate and High School Coach for Racquetball through the USOPC (United State Olympic & Paralympic Committee). Since there are only High School programs in Oregon and Missouri, the annual High School National Championships host city submits a candidate every year. The submission is from the committees/boards in each state.
The Developmental Coach of the Year must be actively coaching or in first year of retirement.
The Developmental Coach of the Year should have made a significant impact on athletes performances in high school racquetball competition.
Supporting consideration may be given for the following contribution in the field of coaching:
A distinguished career as a coach.
Service as a "Coach of Coaches", having been a seminar leader at any level.
Assisted in development of coaching materials, such as books, videos, etc.,
Promoted character development and ethical sport in adherence to coaching ethics and professional behavior.
Introduced new training or innovative competition methods.
The Developmental Coach of the Year must be actively coaching developmental athletes (new participants) in addition to experienced athletes.
The Developmental Coach of the Year should have success as a coach at the State and National Championships.
Exhibit ethical coaching and professional behavior, character and fair play in dealing with athletes and officials.
Because developing athletes entails developing all aspects of a person - psychological, physical, social - supporting consideration for the Developmental Coach of the Year may include:
Promotion of character development and ethical sport behavior in athletes.
Developing excellent athletes who also display excellence in other fields like citizenship, scholastics, art, etc.